Fynnlee, Greyson

School Dayz

Did you know there are only 6 weeks until Labor Day?? No no no no no no NO!!

We’re lucky that the nice weather holds out until end of October around here. And September brings our first family BEACH vacation (I’m so excited to get my toes in the sand, I could burst!). But I love summer so much and I’m bummed it’s 1/2 over. Oh well…there is still summer fun to be had!

So what have these Beans been doing at school? Playing outside, of course! The slide never gets old.

That face, Fynnlee. That face is gonna get you whatever you want, girlfriend.

The theme this week is camping and the teachers had a super fun activity that I’m totally going to steal. They laid aluminum foil in the bottom of a pizza box and layered graham crackers, chocolate and a marshmellow inside. Close the box for 20+ minutes and let the sun do its thing. Instant smores!

Both kids were big fans.

And ended up on a major sugar high!

All the zoomies.


and slide. Forever.

The rain brought some indoor play…the yellow ball is back!

two days in a row.

And they played dress up with a police costume.

I was dying at this picture. “Oh hey Mom…Greyson is gonna take me to the movies. Don’t worry, he’s bringing his sister along to chaperone.”

“Hey Mom, can I bring my new boyfriend home for dinner?”  He’s a ladies man, for sure.

Splatter paint shirts…

For splatter paint pictures.

And water play day is the best day!

They could dump water in buckets for hours.

This day was a little cold and Greyson doesn’t do cold.

Fynnlee…could care less.

And that wraps up our School dayz for the week! We have a pretty low key weekend on tap and I’m hoping it doesn’t rain the whole time. Only 6 more weeks of the pool!

Have a great one!

Fynnlee, Greyson, Weekend

Scenes from Summer

Remember when I said in my last post…Summer’s not even half over!?

Well Summer is officially 1/2 over. Booooo… We’re doing our best to make the most of these hot and sunny days. Here are some snaps from the camera roll.

Fun at the children’s museum

Uncle Kevin’s and Grammys birthday celebration

(Girlfriend loves her cupcakes.)

Brunch at the Commoner

Taking in a ballgame

Hanging out on the deck

Stay tuned for a school dayz update tomorrow!

The Beans, Weekend

Summer lovin!

I know…there have been no school dayz or Weekend updates in forever! And that’s because we’ve been crazy busy. Work has been totally nutso for me, weekends have been jam packed with summer fun and evenings are spent picking up the pieces and going to bed at 9:30.

So here’s a quick catch up of our lives. We are definitely summer lovin around here!

Wedding at the West End Overlook. Crazy beautiful day and exceptional view of our incredible city.

He cleans up well.

Open Streets on the Northside.

So cool. They shut down the streets and open it to walkers and cyclists.

2 or 3 wheels are totally acceptable.

My big girl…always helping.

Playdate with the Hemmings boys.

She wants her own baby. She’ll have to settle for sweet little Ellis.

Visit to Reston, VA to see Aunt Steph.  She made her famous pizza.

We went to the pool.

Greyson is finally putting up with his puddle jumper.

The Reston Zoo.

Where they rode on a lion.

And fed baby goats.

And went on a safari ride!

Aunt Steph built this train in her house!

And we pushed our mowers all over the neighborhood.

We celebrated the 4th (and this is the only picture I took!) with a pool day and dinner at Grandma & Papas.

And we’ve had a blast at school. Here are some pics of all the fun the kids have been having.

So far, a great summer. And it’s not even half way over!!

Have a great weekend everybody.


Fynnlee, Greyson

Family Pictures

WAIT until you guys see these pictures!!

Oh my goodness. They are too good.

You might remember last year, we hired a photographer for the kids 1st birthday. And I was so happy with her work and how she captured our day, I decided to get pictures taken for the kids 2nd birthday as well.

Unfortunately, she wasn’t available but referred us to a friend and fellow photog, Kate Miller at Captivating Imagery. And as it turned out, Kate wasn’t available until May so we just pushed it off a few weeks.

And then it rained on our scheduled day…so it was pushed back till June.  I honestly thought these pictures might never be taken!  But then everything fell into place and we lucked out with the most beautiful day on June 17th. It was so worth the wait!!

Kate came well prepared with these little chairs…perfect size for our babes. And we settled under a tree at the pond by our house.

We sang Happy Birthday 87 times and jumped around like fools.

Fortunately, the kids thought we were hilarious and gave us a round of applause for our efforts.

Then we headed to the dock for some family shots

The kids didn’t warm up right away…

But then they got into it.

We stopped at our playground for some action shots

The swings are always a good time

And the slide…

Think he’s a fan of the slide??

I’d say yes.

We walked back to the house for some shots on the porch.

Fynnlee, can you pick Miss Kate a flower?

I did it!

My flowers look pretty great, right?

I think they’re starting to hit their maximum tolerance at this point.

We just wanted one more shot with Jacob…and when I brought him out, he knocked Greyson down the concrete steps. Party’s over! Whomp Whomp (not to worry, he was fine)

I cannot say enough good things about Kate and her mad photography skills. She is so good with kids (she’s a Mom too!), very professional and exceptionally accommodating. And she lives right in Cranberry! Win-win-WIN!

And a huge thank you to my super patient husband who agreed to our 7:30 am (YIKES) shoot time and never stopped smiling. You’re a trooper Jerry! xo