Daily Life, Fynnlee, Greyson

Life lately

Well hello there! Long time, no posts. I have no excuse other than we’ve been soaking up the last days of summer and things have been crazy busy. Whatever…let’s catch up!

This week the Beans will be 28 months old. That’s 2 years and 4 months of life with these amazing little people. Yes, they are officially people …speaking in full sentences and everything. It’s pretty crazy, actually. I’m gonna give you a little run down on milestones and stuff.

Greyson Paul

His speech  is off the charts good. He throws new words at me everyday. And I understand them! The other day we were watching Mickey Mouse and Toodles was flying around with sparkles all over it and he said “Whoa, that’s cool!” His favorite things to say are “Don’t want it“, “I do it“, “Help me” (which means I want to help you). Everything is located Right There! and he takes possession over all the things MY puppy, MY bink, MY Mommy...

He sees no reason to wear pants, ever. He takes his pants off the second we get home from school. And pretty much any other chance he gets.

He currently hates baths, his high chair, and food. Seriously, he’s existing on milk, cereal bars, yogurt and pouches. I’ve pretty much given up trying to get him to eat these days, after throwing away 90% of what I put in front of him. He will not eat in his high chair, or a booster chair. And bath time has become a battle.

Our days at the pool have become days in the sandbox. He doesn’t even want to go in the water. He does like playing with the shower they have to rinse the sand off of you. But other than that, the pool is “too cold”.

He’s gonna have a blast at the beach, though!

Right now, he’s really into MM Roadster Racers, cars, trucks & trains, jumping on the couch, being outside and playing with water. He also likes pushing stuff around (like his stroller) and he likes to color and paint.

We’ve gotten our money’s worth at Living Treasures (we bought a seasons pass) and his favorite thing in the whole park is the alligators.

He’s still in a big time Mommy phase…which I certainly don’t hate.  And he likes to be carried around a lot.

He still adores his big sister but we’re going through a bit of a hitting phase. He gets frustrated and just hauls off and whacks her periodically throughout the day. She often provokes him by taking his stuff or pushing him but still. Not acceptable.

Sleep is pretty solid for Greyson and 90% of the time we can count on 7:30 bedtime, 6:00 wake up. Now his sister, that’s a whole other story.

Stats on Greyson:

appx 28lbs, still fits in 18-24 month pants, 2T tops, size 6 shoe

Fynnlee Ann

Oh this child. She is hilarious. She’s a chatter box and while her enunciation isn’t as good as Greyson, she’s got a lot to say. She loves to sing and her newest trick is burping (gross) followed by an enthusiastic “I burped! (we’re working on Excuse Me, too). I did it! is her favorite expression and she’s very proud of herself when she accomplishes something.

Her meltdowns are epic. She is the typical toddler…she wants it, she doesn’t want it, she wants it, she doesn’t want it. She wants the blue cup..NOT THE BLUE CUP! Screaming, flailing, throwing herself on the floor. All of it. She’s definitely two.

She has a pretty good appetite. She loves snacks and asks for one 29074907 times a day. Pesto chicken, noodles, broccoli, yogurt, corn on the cob. All her favorites.

Girl friend is pickier than she used to be but she will always eat YOUR food.

We have made MAJOR progress in the icky sand situation. At the beginning of the summer, Fynnlee wouldn’t step foot in the sand pit.

Now there is hope for the beach! Fynnlee still LOVES to swim. LOVES it! She loves to jump off the side and pushes you away if you try to help. She’s fearless.

She’s also no longer afraid of the animals at Living Treasure. She used to be afraid to go near them and insisted on being held the whole time. That’s all changed. She asks every weekend to go see the Amoles (animals).

Fynnlee’s favorite things are Thomas & Friends, Mickey Mouse, cutting paper, coloring, jumping, swimming, anything to do with water and her Daddy.

She love me too.

Sleep for Fynnlee is Meh. Isn’t sleep always Meh for Fynnlee? Good days have her asleep by 7:30 up by 5:15. Bad days she’s up at 4:15 or earlier. Yes, she’s still waking up that early. Not as often as she used to, but we can count on it once or twice a week. She’s so stinking lovable at 4 am though…

Stats for Fynnlee:

31.5 lbs, 3t bottoms, 2t or 3t tops, size 7 shoe.

While there are tantrums now & then and boundaries that are pushed daily, things are more fun than ever!  Life is nutso right now and these two pretty much just go with the flow.

I love this age! And yes, we are losing the pacifier battle.

Oh and we leave for the beach in 12 days!  Yay!



Fynnlee, Greyson

School dayz catch up.

So we’ve knocked out the first week in August and I’m two weeks behind in sharing school pics. I’m not really sure if anyone is actually reading along and enjoying these (besides those folks related to the Beans) but I’m gonna keep posting them anyway. I’d like to get back on a regular posting schedule but can’t seem to get my act together.

So let’s catch up, shall we? Last week was Bug week!

Monday started out with a hunt for bugs.

I’m pretty sure he’s the cutest little Bug you’ll ever see.

She’s pretty cute too.

The weather has been pretty nice (low humidity, mid 70s) recently and the days are spent on the playground.  So scooting around the turf was on the agenda.

As was mowing the astroturf.


The school arranged for a snow cone truck to come to the school and the Beans had their first “taste” of my favorite summer treat.

I use the word “taste” loosely.

Most of it got flung on the ground.  But they’ll come around eventually.

Water play day was on a Tuesday last week because the day was so nice.

Water bug! No fear of spiders, just like her Mama.

Wednesday – another fun day at the playground.

And dressing for the theme of the week!


The kids floated around the play yard like butterflies

My favorite Lovebug mid-float.

Greyson is getting really good at going up the ladder. With a little help from his big sister.

She’s got it mastered!


The kids made “ants on a log” for the last day of bug week.

Cream cheese is a crowd pleaser.

And after they “cooked”, they cleaned.

Well done Bright Horizons! I like the cleaning lesson the most.

More fun on the playground.

Happy FriYAY!

Ice Cream week

Monday – the kids made ice cream sundaes from tissue paper.

Girlfriend is a big fan of the glue stick, apparently.

More scooting…

More mowing…


Ice cream flavor tasting. AKA…the best day EVER!


Outside, outside, outside….



They made bubbling ice cream cones. Baking soda is in the cone and the food coloring makes it bubble.

Great day for a white shirt, Mom


It started with a dance party!

Hop, hop, hop!

And HOP!

But a fever of 102 cut this little dude’s day short. Quick trip to the docs indicated a stupid virus. Clear ears, clear throat. Prescription for extra snuggles.

Sister got to make homemade ice cream in the afternoon.

Friday – Greyson stayed home with Grandma & Papa and Fynnlee was NOT happy about it. She rallied once we got to school.

The morning started out with story time. Guess who loves story time???

And waterplay?

Nothing turns Fynnlee’s day around like splashing in the water!

So now you’re caught up! I’m hoping to get back to the Weekend updates soon. And more life lately posts too.

Have a great weekend!